Civil War

Kansas Gets Its Governor

One hundred and two years ago, on Saturday February 9, 1861, the fervent abolitionist Charles Robinson was sworn into office as Kansas' first state governor. As a long-time supporter of the Free-State cause in Kansas, Robinson was no stranger to adversity – or to skirting existing laws to achieve what he considered to be a higher moral purpose.

Discover the Civil War: The Missouri Valley Special Collections

My first foray into the world of digitizing Civil War-era sources took me not into the hills of Missouri or trekking across the plains of Kansas. Instead, I found myself not far from the desk at which I write this post. Only five floors up, at the Kansas City Public Library’s in-house archive, the Missouri Valley Special Collections opened its large, ornate, wooden doors to me for five days of digitization.

New Biography of "Frontier Feminist" Clarina Howard Nichols to Be Discussed at the Library

In the years before the Civil War, Kansas was a battleground. As Free State forces clashed with pro-slavery marauders from Missouri, a 40-something mother of four from Vermont waged a war of her own. As “Bleeding Kansas” raged around her, Clarina Howard Nichols came into her own as a champion of equal rights for women and blacks.