Forrest Smith and Others
Title |
Forrest Smith and Others
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Description |
Luncheon honoring Missouri Governor Forrest Smith (1949-1953). From left to right, standing at the head table are: Elmo Hunter, Police Commissioner; George Fiske, Police Commissioner; William E. Kemp, Mayor; Forrest Smith, Governor; Jens C. Pedersen, President of the SCBA; William Southern, Editor of the Independence Examiner; John T. Oliver, Chairman of the Jackson County Election Board; A. T. Broughton, Director of Revenue, Jackson County; Thomas B. Mather, Minister, Central Methodist Chruch.
Barcode |
Creator Name |
Creator Name
Creator: Anderson Photo Company
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Subject (local)
Digital Collection(s) |
Digital Collection(s)
Related Item |
Related Item
South Central Business Association Records (SC39 and P14)
Note(s) |
Directly in front of the head table are seated Chief of Police Henry Johnson and several police officers. Photograph taken from page 95 (hard copy) of Scrapbook #26, SC 39.
Shelf Locator |
Shelf Locator
P14, Box 3, Folder 8, #10
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