SC039 South Central Business Association Records Finding Aid
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SC39 South Central Business Association Records Finding Aid
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Description |
The South Central Business Association began in the 1920s. It was a business group for the Linwood and Troost area of Kansas City, Missouri, and considered by some to be the first shopping district or area away from the downtown Kansas City business area. The records received from this group go into the 1960s.
The collection (SC39) contains 44 scrapbooks (1924-1967); correspondence (1922-1963); minute books (1924-1969); printed weekly program notices; and photographs (P14). The photographs are part of the collection of material kept by the secretary of this association, E. Emerson Paton, and primarily cover the organization's weekly luncheons and speakers, many of them celebrities, as well as the 31st and Troost area. The scrapbooks contain primarily newspaper clippings as well as some brochures, flyers, correspondence, ephemeral items, etc. |
Barcode |
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Date(s) |
1920 (year approximate) to 1969 (year approximate)
Subject (local) |
Subject (local)
Hierarchical Geographic Subject |
Hierarchical Geographic Subject
City Section
Digital Collection(s) |
Digital Collection(s)
Shelf Locator |
Shelf Locator
SC39 and P14
Use and Reproduction |
Use and Reproduction
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