Future: The Newsweekly for Today
Paged Content
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Future: The Newsweekly for Today
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Issue of the anti-corruption, Kansas City-based newspaper, Future: The Newsweekly for Today. The front page includes an article, continued on page 8, about the “lug,” “an involuntary or forced contribution to something a luckless employee isn’t nearly as interested in” as his and his family’s own welfare. Other featured articles include “T. J. and W. T.” (page 2), about patching up of differences between William Kemper, Sr. ("Democratic national committeeman for Missouri") and Tom Pendergast (Democratic No. 1 man in Missouri"), "concerning an outgrowth of the Lazia case here"; “May We Present Mrs. A. Ross Hill” (p. 5), a photo and profile of Vassie Hill, or Mrs. A. Ross Hill, "Missouri chairman of the National Women's Committee for Mobilization for Human Need," describing her life and career as the daughter of J. Crawford James and former wife of Hugh Ward, starting out "in charge of enlisting women for foreign work in the Red Cross" during World War I and "organizing the Jefferson Democratic Club, an independent organization of women" in 1923; also included in the newspaper are advertisements for local businesses and articles on fashion, finance, cooking, music, art, and national and international news.
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Creator Name
Creator: Kansas City Publishers Corp.
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Hierarchical Geographic Subject
City Section
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Future: The Newsweekly for Today
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