Kansas City Women of Independent Minds
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Kansas City Women of Independent Minds
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Photo and bio of Martha Zimmerman Franklin, or Martha Franklin (1898-1976), "the consummate businesswoman and club member who worked tirelessly for community betterment." Description of her life and career as a native of Farmington, Missouri, coming to Kansas City as an officer of "Monkey Cleaners and Dyers, Inc. at 3600 Troost" Avenue. "[P]resident of the Women's Chamber of Commerce" in 1940, "one of the first women selected to the Committee on Domestic Distribution of the Chamber of Commerce of the United States during the war," and "the first woman to serve on the Kansas City Crime Commission" in 1955.
Creator Name |
Creator Name
Creator: Flynn, Jane F.
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Digital Collection(s)
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Shelf Locator |
Shelf Locator
920.72 F64k
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