Kansas City, Missouri: Its History and Its People, 1800-1908
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Kansas City, Missouri: Its History and Its People, 1800-1908
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Biographical sketch of Charles Proctor, a real estate developer and former farmer. Born in Tennessee in 1822 and coming to Westport in 1869 as a fruit grower before joining "the Westport school board from 1872 until 1876" and building many residences "under the name of Corbin Park" including his own home built in 1900 at 4343 Jefferson Street.
Creator Name |
Creator Name
Creator: Whitney, Carrie Westlake
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Page 80: "In 1890 he purchased six hundred and forty acres of land in Johnson county, Kansas. ..He has now sold five hundred and sixty acres of his land to the Strang Railroad line. ..and they have made an addition to be known as Overland Park, a suburb of the city."
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Shelf Locator |
Shelf Locator
q977.8411 W61
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