Early Kansas City Architects: Homemaker Par Excellence
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Early Kansas City Architects: Homemaker Par Excellence
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Photos and biographical article about Elizabeth Evans Rivard, a contemporary woman architect of Nelle Peters in Kansas City, designing mainly homes from about 1923 to 1933. Description of her life and career as a native Kansas Citian raised in Lawrence, Kansas, and becoming an architect during World War I before working with Hoit, Price & Barnes and then independently.
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Creator: Piland, Sherry
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Historic Kansas City News (Historic Kansas City Foundation Gazette)
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Rivard designed homes in a variety of styles and sizes. While most of her works were single-family dwellings in the Country Club District, the row of duplexes she designed for the 5400 block of The Paseo are among her most successful works. Many of her designs were in a Colonial style, such as the impressive residence at 1258 Huntington Road [pictured] (1925) and the residence for Judge Carlin Smith at 4940 Wyoming (1926). Other works have elements of the Tudor style, such as the home she designed for Richard Kane at 4914 State Line [picture] (1930). In 1925 she designed the modest shingled cottage at 12 W. 70th Street [pictured]. She also utilized elements from Italian and Spanish architecture for her designs of the residence at 820 W. 63rd Street [pictured] (1927) and the home for James Plunkett at 1251 Huntington Road [pictured] (1924). The works of Elizabeth Evans Rivard stand as silent testimony refuting the attitude of those who believed there was no place in architecture for women.
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