Dr. Isaac Ridge
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Dr. Isaac Ridge
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Photo and bio of Dr. Isaac Ridge (1825-1907), "the first college graduated physician to locate in Kansas City." Native of Kentucky coming to Kansas City in 1848 with offices on the Levee serving as a doctor through the Civil War before retiring in 1875 to realty, building the Ridge Building between Main and Walnut Streets and his home, known as Castle Ridge.
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Creator Name
Creator: Whitney, Carrie Westlake
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Related Item
Kansas City, Missouri: Its History and Its People, 1800-1908
Note(s) |
Page 17: "President Lincoln, appreciating the wonderful ability of Dr. Ridge, not only offered him a commission but any position in his province on the Potomac if he would accept service in the army." Page 18: "In 1850 Mormons camped here on their way to Utah, while [sic] here they were taken with severe illness, smallpox and cholera being their principle troubles. The success of Dr. Ridge in relieving the Mormons, was so phenomenal, that Brigham Young offered him any position he might wish, and named an immense salary, even for these days, if he would go with them and be the physician of the Mormons, which was declined with thanks."
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Shelf Locator
q977.8411 W61
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