Clay County, Missouri Friends: Allen, Arthur, Thornton, Doniphan
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Clay County, Missouri Friends: Allen, Arthur, Thornton, Doniphan
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While the article gives genealogical information about the Shubael Allen, Michael Arthur, John Thornton, and Alexander Doniphan families, it discusses many of the river landings and ferries during the early settlement period of Jackson County including Wayne City Landing, Blue Mills, one near Sibley, and others. Allen's Landing (also called Liberty Landing) was the main point of exit and entrance of nearly all the business and travel of Northwest Missouri at that time [1830], as well as the starting point of a large number of the employees of the American Fur Company. Names of ferries are also listed. The authors make reference to a letter Michael Arthur sent to the Clay County representative at the lesgislature regarding the harassment of the Mormons and mentions that "Emma (wife) visited Joseph Smith at the Liberty jail twice, with their eldest son, 6-year old Joseph III."
Creator Name |
Creator Name
Creator: Curtis, Annette W.
Creator: Curtis, William J.
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Related Item
Missouri Mormon Frontier
Note(s) |
Includes a map on page 7.
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