The New Old
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The New Old
Title Type
Forward-thinking Kansas Citians have always embraced the new, as this overview of the Metro's 20th-century desgn classics shows.
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In addition to describing the "modern" homes built around mid-20th-century in the Kansas City area, pictures feature a home designed by Marcel Breuer in 1954; the octagonal shaped Bruce Goff home on Cherry Street in Crestwood owned by Retro Inferno owner and modern furniture collector Rod Parks; and a Donald Drumond home. "Don Drummond was a builder who, in the 1950s, built quite a few of the mid-century modern homes that can now be found throughout Kansas City." A list at the end of the article provides eight different addresses with its architect and year, including two Frank Lloyd Wright houses.
Creator Name |
Creator Name
Creator: Shackelford, Patricia
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Spaces Kansas City
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MVSC Q 977.8411 S732
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