Finesse of Service
Paged Content
Title |
Finesse of Service
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Promotional booklet for the Willows Maternity Home directed at physicians. The front cover reads: "Explaining to our physician patrons some of the refinements in our plans for the protecting of their unfortunate patients."
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Creator Name |
Creator Name
Creator: Willows Maternity Hospital
Creator: Haworth, Edwin P.
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Date(s) |
1924 (year approximate)
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Subject (local)
Hierarchical Geographic Subject |
Hierarchical Geographic Subject
City Section
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Books (Historical Kansas City Texts)
Note(s) |
Included sections are: Associations and Pastime, Kinship Feeling, The Willows Library, Treatment Given Patient Injuries, How Commercial Firms Treat Business Inquiries, Moral Obligation to Society, The Willows Unites with Doctors in Missionary Work, Psychological Follow-Up Correspondence, Correspondence and Literature Educationally Planned, Financial Storm Weathered by Businesslike Correspondence, Superior Advantages through Magnitude of Work, Apparent Handicaps Prove Important Advantages, Quantity Production Provides Better Service, Specialists in Various Lines of Work, Sure of Congenial Friends, Wide Patronage Has Educational Value, More Broadening Than Mere School Work, More Scientific Care of Babies, Best People Apply for Babies, More Capable of Discerning Grades of Homes, Advantages of Institutional Service for Unfortunates, Institution Desirable for Certain Work Groups, The Willows Fills Certain of Society's Needs, Two Classes of Patients Particularly Well Served, Educational Value of Group Association in New Surroundings, New Surroundings Encourage Constructive Thought, Mind Attuned to Receive Pertinent Lesson, Patient Forgets Own Trouble in Group Life, Individual Identity Swallowed up in Group, Delinquencies among Choice Patients, Some Causes of Error among Young Women, Temptation in Dancing, Toll of Error through Industrialism, Lack of Sex Instruction Serious, Personal Education of Young People, Education of Hereditary Tendencies, Working Privilege Limitations, Not a Charity Institution, Kinds of Work Available for Patients Limited, Remorse for Error Causes Request for Work, Sample of Working Privilege Request, Working Privilege Available Only When Imperative, Doctors Can Assist Sanitarium in Carefully Selecting, Dangers in Home-Community Adoptions, Make Giving up Child as Easy as Possible, Protect Mother and Child against Each Other, Requests for Home-Adoption Becoming Recurrent, The Willows' Attitude Toward Them, Some Dangers Cited, Value of Large Institution and City for Protecting, Man Might Get Child for Club over Woman, Child Not Returned to Home-Community through the Willows, Almost Sure to be Found Out, Curiosity Fear or Expectancy Ever Present to the Mind, Less Home-Adoptions if Understood, Cooperating Intended in Planning Home-Adoptions, Modus Operandi in Home-Adoptions, Pioneership of the Willows Accompanied by Studied Methods, and Regarding Inquiries and Correspondence.
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Shelf Locator |
Shelf Locator
MVSC PF 362.1982 W73F
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