The Incredible Tale of a 96-Year Old [sic] Man Who Was Seldom Seen...and Still Is
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The Incredible Tale of a 96-Year Old [sic] Man Who Was Seldom Seen...and Still Is
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Photos and biographical article about Seldom Seen, a 96-year-old black veteran of "various jails and penitentiaries" (for a total of 45 years) with the legal name of Ivory Johnson. Born in Oklahoma Territory in 1883 and coming to Kansas City by the 1920s-1930s as an amateur gambler and comedian residing at about 27th and Prospect Avenues and formerly "arrested over 50 times in Kansas City for crimes ranging from gambling to murder; from vagrancy to fraud; from extortion to assault with intent to kill."
Creator Name |
Creator Name
Creator: Salzburg, Sid
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Digital Collection(s)
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Kansas City Town Squire
Note(s) |
Page 36: "In the early twenties and thirties, Kansas City enjoyed a national reputation for being a town where there was plenty of action on the tables. Big time gamblers such as Gold-Toothed Maxie, Joe Milo and Pretty Boy Floyd were very familiar to the Kansas City night scene. The area around 18th and Vine abounded with the most sophisticated night clubs and casinos that were to be found anywhere in the city. The most notorious and luxurious of these was the 'Panama Club.' It was there, as the gamekeeper, that Seldom first met Pretty Boy Floyd."
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Shelf Locator
q051 K159
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