1020-1040 Main Street
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1020-1040 Main Street
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View looking southwest of the buildings that once stood at 1020-1040 Main Street. Signs for the John Taylor Dry Goods Company, Baker's Shoes, Virginia Dare, and Clarks Shoes can be seen. A trolly bus is traveling south on Main Street.
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Creator Name
Creator: Anderson Photo Company
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Hierarchical Geographic Subject
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Digital Collection(s)
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Related Item
Kansas City Star Collection (SC225)
Note(s) |
Transcribed article: Skyward changes may impend in this Main street block, where R. H. macy & Co. yesterday [missing] the John Taylor Dry Good company and obtained ultimate control of the 115 feet of frontage [missing] John Taylor's Main street building. Four additional floors can be added to the 6-story building [missing] 100-foot frontage. The next property north already was owned by the John Taylor company [missing] have an option from the Bryant estate for a long-term lease on the two stores at 1026-30 Main [missing] the Lakenan trust on two storerooms at 1022-24 Main. This control, subject to the five [missing] in effect, carries to the Robinson Shoe company property just beyond the right of this [missing]. Kansas City Times, March 23, 1947.
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Shelf Locator |
Shelf Locator
SC225, f.499
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