KC's Hallowed Ground Endangered
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KC's Hallowed Ground Endangered
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Article describes the past and current state of Elmwood Cemetery, the historic resting place of many notable figures of the city's past. The cemetery's inactive board of directors has recently been reinvigorated with new members, and the non-profit cemetery seeks funding from various sources to continue its proper functioning.
Creator Name |
Creator Name
Creator: Elmore, Leigh
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Subject (local)
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Digital Collection(s)
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Related Item
Kansas City Magazine
Note(s) |
Notable Kansas Citians buried in elmwood Cemetery include Jacob and Ella Loose, Joseph Loose, Victor Speas, Mary Atkins, Kersey and Sarah Coates, Kirkland Armour, Samuel Woolf, Morris H. Helzburg, and Mattie Rhodes.
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Shelf Locator |
Shelf Locator
q977.8411 K1699
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