Westport United Methodist Church
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Westport United Methodist Church
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Postcard of the Westport United Methodist Church at 40th and Washington streets.
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Creator: Ray, Mrs. Sam (Mildred Kitrell)
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Mrs. Sam Ray Postcard Collection (SC58)
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Westport United Methodist Church at W. 40th and Washington was one of the first Protestant churches to be organized in the Kansas City and Independence area. The church's 150th anniversary is Oct. 24-26. The church was organized by Reverend James Porter, who brought his wife, his son Jesse, his cattle, horses and hogs from Tennessee, and first preached to other settlers under brush arbors, trees and in homes. After Mr. Porter had been preaching in Westport for four years, he formally organized the church in the home of William Miles Chick in 1836. By 1853 the Methodists decided to build their own church. Under the direction of Nathan Scarrit, the pastor, the lot at 40th & Washington was purchased for $500. The building pictured on the postcard of the church today was started in 1896, using a portion of the old Warfield Chapel. The massive stone structure with the large stained glass windows was built at a cost of $10,000. A book by Phyllis Edwards Kite titled Golden Threads of Memories - History of Westport Methodist Church, contains additional interesting detail. Robert D. Stout took this photo of the church. Kansas City Times, October 10, 1986.
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