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Seeing Kansas City Street Car Postcard
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Description |
Postcard of a seeing Kansas City streetcar.
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Creator Name |
Creator Name
Creator: Ray, Mrs. Sam (Mildred Kitrell)
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Subject (local)
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Related Item
Mrs. Sam Ray Postcard Collection (SC58)
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Seeing Kansas City street cars, an attraction for out-of-town visitors and those who wished a scenic ride to view residences and apartments along Kansas City streets, were much like the regular street cars of the Metropolitan street railway system in Kansas City in 1908. The car pictured on the old postcard shows a stop to view the park. The special cars were easily identified by signs with an especially large one in front above the cowcatcher. Tickets were sold for the sightseeing street cars at the Owl Drug Store, 920 Main, where the tour started and ended. J. S. Knight of Kansas City published the card. Kansas City Times, March 10, 1978.
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