Title |
Partie des Etats-Unis
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Description |
Early map of Missouri and Illinois, apparently from a French atlas. Much of what is now eastern Kansas is also included, along with small sections of Kentucky and Tennessee. An early organization of Missouri counties is in evidence, including Lillard County. Some early trails/exploration routes are indicated, as well as locations of mineral resources. Some Indian villages are indicated in the Kansas portion, with estimated populations. The etablissment de Chouteau on the Osage River is featured.
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Subject (local) | |
Extent |
21 x 28.5 in.
Digital Collection(s) |
Digital Collection(s)
Note(s) |
Lillard County, Missouri was organized in 1820. Its name was changed to Lafayette in 1825. See Early History of Greater Kansas City, Missouri and Kansas, by Charles P. Deatherage, 1927. Dessinee sur pierre et [unreadable] par H. Ode. Aout 1825. [unreadable] par Ph. Vandermachen. La lettre par [Fr?] Charles. No. 49 in upper right hand corner.
Shelf Locator |
Shelf Locator
SC117, Series 4-9: Missouri #3 (workroom drawer)
Use and Reproduction |
Use and Reproduction
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