Title |
Parade Float Sketch
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Description |
Sketch of a parade float by German-born Kansas City artist William Weber. A figure on the float is standing near a plow. Another is reading from a pulpit. Others are seated.
Barcode |
Creator Name |
Creator Name
Creator: Weber, William
Item Type |
Item Type
Date(s) |
1890 (year approximate)
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Subject (local)
Digital Collection(s) |
Digital Collection(s)
Related Item |
Related Item
William Weber Collection - See finding aid here: https://kchistory.org/islandora/object/kchistory%3A60657
Note(s) |
From William Weber's obituary: Upon his return to America the young artist came west on account of his mother's health and opened a studio in Kansas City in 1890. His first work was a commission from the Germans to design their floats for their parades of that year. In 1893 he designed the Priests of Pallas floats. Kansas City Star, April 04, 1905, p.01.
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Shelf Locator
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Use and Reproduction
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