Our Lady of Good Counsel Church
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Our Lady of Good Counsel Church
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Postcard of the Our Lady of Good Counsel Church at 3934 Washington Street in Westport.
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Creator: Ray, Mrs. Sam (Mildred Kitrell)
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Mrs. Sam Ray Postcard Collection (SC58)
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Showers on Sunday, July 15, 1906, did not prevent a large crowd from witnessing the laying of the cornerstone for Our Lady of Good Counsel Church at 3934 Washington. After a service in the old church building Bishop Lillis and the attending clergy proceeded to the grounds of the church, adjoining, where the cornerstone was placed in position. The parchment deposited in the stone was inscribed as follows: On this day, July 15, 1906, Pius X being Pope; Right Rev. John J. Hogan, bishop of the diocese of Kansas City; Rev. James T. Walsh, pastor; Rev. John W. Keyes and Rev. T. D. Kelly, assistant pastors; Messrs. William T. Johnson, Henry Bruening and C. A. Kessler, church committee; Theodore Roosevelt, president of the United States; J. W. Folk, governor of the state of Missouri; H. M. Beardsley, mayor of Kansas City; Right Rev. Bishop F. Lillis of the diocese of Leavenworth did, in the presence of many priests and people, place in position the cornerstone of the church of Our Lady of Good Counsel. In an address at the time, the bishop took the occasion to compliment the people and to announce that the new church would be ready for occupancy by Christmas.The church was dedicated by Bishop Lillis Nov. 28, 1906. The rectory, adjoining the church was built in 1924. The Rev. John Weiss is the pastor of the church today. Kansas City Star, March 5, 1977.
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