H. Roe Bartle and Three Other Boy Scout Executives
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H. Roe Bartle and Three Other Boy Scout Executives
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Kansas City mayor H. Roe Bartle pictured with three other Boy Scout executives including left to right: Dwight J. Thomson, Alden Barber and Zenon C.R. Hansen. Location not given.
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Creator Name
Creator: Swetnam and Grier
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General Collection (P1), Bartle, H. Roe, Number 27
Note(s) |
Dwight Thomson, a former CEO of Champion Paper International, worked with the Boy Scouts in Kansas City. Alden Barber was the national executive of the Boy Scouts at the time of Bartle's death and Zenon C.R. Hansen was the CEO of Mack Trucks, Inc. from 1965-1974 in addition to being a former eagle scout.Accession #:2008-25.
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