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Fletcher Taylor with Frank and Jesse James
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Description |
Charcoal drawing of three of Quantrill's guerrillas: Fletcher Taylor (left), Frank James (sitting), and Jesse James (right). Fletch and Jesse are dressed in suits and hats; Frank is hatless and in uniform. A hat lies on the floor near Frank's feet. Drawing is signed by the artist with "93" immediately below the signature. Below the person on the left, written in different handwriting and black ink is "Jesse James" and below that in a different handwriting is FLETCH TAYLOR. Below the man in the center is "FRANK." Right below the artist signature on the right is "Frank James" with "JESSE" penciled below. The corrected designations do not appear in the image.
Barcode |
Creator Name |
Creator Name
Creator: Stewart, Elmer
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Item Type
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Subject (local) | |
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Digital Collection(s)
Note(s) |
The portrait was separated from the original mat board. It is believed that most of the Stewart drawings were made from photographs. The MVO (Missouri Valley Oversize) is composed of various types of art work including paintings, sculpture, drawings and sketches, large-size photographs, posters, and other miscellaneous items.
Shelf Locator |
Shelf Locator
Electronic Locator |
Electronic Locator
DVD 98
Use and Reproduction |
Use and Reproduction
Reproduction (printing, downloading, or copying) of images from Kansas City Public Library requires permission and payment for the following uses, whether digital or print: publication; reproduction of multiple copies; personal, non-educational purposes; and advertising or commercial purposes. Please order prints or digital files and pay use fees through this website. All images must be properly credited to: "Missouri Valley Special Collections, Kansas City Public Library, Kansas City, Missouri." Images and texts may be reproduced without prior permission only for purposes of temporary, private study, scholarship, or research. Those using these images and texts assume all responsibility for questions of copyright and privacy that may arise.