Title |
Electric Park (1st)
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Postcard of Heim's Electric Park in the East Bottoms.
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Creator Name |
Creator Name
Creator: Ray, Mrs. Sam (Mildred Kitrell)
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Subject (local) |
Subject (local)
Hierarchical Geographic Subject |
Hierarchical Geographic Subject
City Section
Digital Collection(s) |
Digital Collection(s)
Related Item |
Related Item
Mrs. Sam Ray Postcard Collection (SC58)
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Heim's Electric Park in the East Bottoms of Kansas City was a popular spot in the early 1900s. There were picnic tables and band concerts. Bathing facilities, boating and rides were available. A vaudeville and light opera theater seated 2,800. The park at Montgall and Rochester was owned and operated by Joseph J. Heim, whose family had many enterprises in early Kansas City, such as the 5th Street car line, the Home Telephone Company and the Heim Brewing Company, the latter occupying the large building in the background of the picture. In a way the park was similar to early day German beer gardens, with Heim's beer served on outdoor tables and the music of fine German bands a regular feature. Scarrit Point on the bluff was just above the brewery and park, and older residents of the northeast district still remember the twinkling lights viewed from the point. The Heim brother closed the east bottoms park when they opened their new Electric Park at 46th and the Paseo in May, 1907. Kansas City Times, June 20, 1973.
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