Title |
American Smelting and Refining Company Smokestack
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Description |
View of the a smokestack a smokestack that once stood near the intersection of S. 21st Street and Metropolitan Avenue in Argentine (now Kansas City), Kansas. A car traveling on the street can be seen.
Barcode |
Creator Name |
Creator Name
Creator: Kansas City Star
Creator: DeMott, John
Item Type |
Item Type
Date(s) |
Subject |
Subject (local) | |||
Hierarchical Geographic Subject |
Hierarchical Geographic Subject
City Section
City Section
Digital Collection(s) |
Digital Collection(s)
Related Item |
Related Item
Kansas City Star Collection (SC225)
Note(s) |
Transcribed article: Unofficial monument to August R. Meyer, a leader in the development of the Kansas City park system, is this 200-foot smokestack on the north side of Metropolitan Avenue near Twenty-First Street in Kansas City, Kansas � It is a landmark of the old Argentine silver smelter, from which Meyer built his fortune in the two decades from 1881 to 1901 - Kansas City Star photograph by John DeMott. Kansas City Star, February 25, 1951. The smokestack was razed in 1958.
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Shelf Locator |
Shelf Locator
SC225, f.499
Use and Reproduction |
Use and Reproduction
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