Title |
SC101 Kansas City Bar Association Records Finding Aid
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Description |
The Kansas City Bar Association is a local organization for lawyers, organized in 1884. This collection of the group's records provides information primarily during the early years of 1898 to 1917. Included are minute books, photographs, speeches, banquet programs, and other memorabilia.
Creator Name |
Creator Name
Creator: Kansas City Bar Association
Item Type |
Item Type
Date(s) |
1895 to 1946
Subject (local) |
Subject (local)
Digital Collection(s) |
Digital Collection(s)
Shelf Locator |
Shelf Locator
Restriction on Access |
Restriction on Access
This collection is not available to view online. You may come to the Missouri Valley Room to view it or request more information from the Missouri Valley Special Collections: http://www.kclibrary.org/kchistory/about-mvsc