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SC66-3 Sender Theater Scrapbooks Finding Aid
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This two-scrapbook collection covers the years 1905 to 1911 (volume 1) and 1903 to 1917 (volume 2). They include theater programs, play bills, club programs, and some miscellaneous items. Many of the theater programs and play bills are from other U.S. cities as well as European locations. The scrapbook compiler penciled in with whom they attended the performance. Local theater coverage is strongest for the Willis Wood Theatre, the Shubert Theatre, and the Fritschy Concert series. The original compiler of the scrapbooks is unknown. The donor was H. M. Sender, presumed to be Harry M. Sender, a local book dealer and collector of historical items. An article featuring Harry M. Sender can be found in the "Kansas City Journal," Aug. 3, 1939. Available in Special Collections newspaper clipping collection, mounted clips, filed under Sender's name.
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1903 to 1917
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Restriction on Access
This collection is not available to view online. You may come to the Missouri Valley Room to view it or request more information from the Missouri Valley Special Collections: http://www.kclibrary.org/kchistory/about-mvsc