SC061 Charles P. Deatherage Book Manuscripts Finding Aid
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SC61 Charles P. Deatherage Book Manuscripts Finding Aid
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Mr. Deatherage founded the Deatherage Lumber Company in Kansas City in 1878. After retiring in 1919, he began a career as a historian, publishing his first volume of Kansas City history in 1928. Volumes two and three were never published. Mr. Deatherage died in 1939 in Kansas City, Missouri.The collection includes the handwritten manuscript of the final two volumes of the projected three-volume history of Kansas City, Missouri. Volume one was published in 1928 and titled: "Early History of Greater Kansas City Missouri and Kansas; The Prophetic City At the Mouth of the Kaw." The manuscript includes all of volume two, and a small portion of volume three. Volume two, entitled "Municipal History of Greater Kansas City, Missouri and Kansas," covering 1853-1928, is made up of 30 chapters. Subjects include city government, churches, hospitals, fraternal organizations, transportation, schools, cultural activities, parks and boulevards, and disasters. Volume three is unchaptered and includes information on the lumber trade, architects, expositions and fairs, the insurance business, livestock trade, and bridges. It was intended to be an industrial history of Kansas City, covering the same time period as volume two.
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Creator Name
Creator: Deatherage, Charles P.
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Date(s) |
1930 (year approximate) to 1939 (year approximate)
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Subject (local)
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Digital Collection(s)
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Shelf Locator
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