SC015-9 Dixon and Jordan Family Papers Finding Aid
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SC15-9 Dixon and Jordan Family Papers Finding Aid
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This collection contains close to 40 Civil War letters written between the Dixon family with some related Jordan family letters. Most were written by men in the family who were soldiers in the Union Army primarily in Company K, 47th Regiment of Illinois Volunteers as well as a few letters from Company E, 112th Regiment of Illinois Volunteers. The Lemuel Dixon family was residing in Stark County, Illinois, during this war-time period. Letters contain news pertaining to the soldier's health as well as other soldiers from the same community back home, camp conditions, troop movements, hospital conditions, politics, and the Rebels.
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Date(s) |
1840 to 1898 (year approximate)
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Digital Collection(s) |
Digital Collection(s)
Note(s) |
Bulk of collection dates from 1861-1863.
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Shelf Locator
Restriction on Access |
Restriction on Access
This collection is not available to view online. You may come to the Missouri Valley Room to view it or request more information from the Missouri Valley Special Collections:
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