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SC15-2 Grand Army of the Republic, A. D. McCook Post No. 34 (Lamar, Mo.), Record Book Finding Aid
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A one volume membership book for a Lamar/Barton County, Missouri post of the GAR. It contains 346 numbered entries. Information provided in the book includes: name of soldier, age, birthplace, residence, occupation, entry into the service including date, rank, company, and regiment, final discharge, date of muster in the GAR, nature of wounds received and in what engagement, and remarks which often include a handwritten death date.
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Date(s) |
1882 to 1923
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Subject (local)
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Restriction on Access
This collection is not available to view online. You may come to the Missouri Valley Room to view it or request more information from the Missouri Valley Special Collections: http://www.kclibrary.org/kchistory/about-mvsc