P33 Ward Hunt Collection Finding Aid
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P33 Ward Hunt Collection Finding Aid
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The photographs in the Ward Hunt Collection feature a number of images of famous personalities such as Sophie Tucker, Hedy Lamarr, and Jimmy Stewart, as well as local celebrities such as broadcaster Randall Jessee and University of Missouri football coach Don Faurot. Additionally, the collection contains correspondence and material documenting the career of a professional photographer in the 1940's and 1950's. Items of genealogical interest to the descendants of Ward Hunt, such as family photographs and birth/death records, are also preserved in the collection. The collection contains photographs of three types: those shot in the course of Ward Hunt's career as a professional photographer; those related to the history of his family; and personal photographs found in a scrapbook. Ward Hunt was a photographer for the Kansas City Star for 24 years. Prior to his work at the Star, he worked as an Associated Press photographer, as well as a motion picture cameraman and projectionist. His movie work included creating films of Asia and Europe with evangelist Carl Walker and shooting news subjects. He also worked as a free-lance photographer and wire photo operator. Hunt retired from the Star in April 1964. He died at the age of 63 that year.
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1900 (year approximate) to 1964 (year approximate)
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Subject (local)
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Digital Collection(s)
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Use and Reproduction
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