The Whitley Sisters Remember: Living with Segregation in Kansas City, Missouri
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The Whitley Sisters Remember: Living with Segregation in Kansas City, Missouri
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Article about the Whitley sisters, a representative group of black women experiencing racial segregation in Kansas City during the "Great Migration" of blacks to northern industrial cities in the 1920s and 1930s, also with much information about the sisters' East Side neighborhood.
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Creator Name
Creator: Kremer, Gary R.
Creator: Philpot, Trina
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The period between the two World Wars in the United States witnessed an unprecedented migration of African Americans from the South to the North and from farms to cities. Federal government policies and attitudes mitigated against agricultural prosperity, especially for small farmers. Likewise, mechanization of many agricultural tasks displaced Black field hands. Hence, many African Americans abandoned the pre-industrial lifestyle they had known in rural America for the competitive, industrial, fast-paced life of the city. Among the communities that experienced this so-called 'Great Migration' was Kansas City, which saw its African-American population increase by twenty-six percent during the decade of the 1920s alone, driven as much by rural Missouri Blacks moving to the city as by Southern Blacks moving north.
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