Westport, Missouri (1835-1897) and the Westport Cemetery
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Westport, Missouri (1835-1897) and the Westport Cemetery
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Article about the origins of Westport, Missouri, in 1834, involving Major John Campbell, an Indian agent at the Shawnee Indian Mission, and John McCoy, ususally referred to as the town's founder. Also maps and description of the history of the Westport Cemetery.
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Creator Name
Creator: Lee, Fred L.
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Kansas City Genealogist
Note(s) |
Page 61: "The town of West Port, Missouri, now a part of Kansas City, was conceived by John Campbell, subagent at the Shawnee Agency (Shawnee Indian Mission, Kansas). It was. ..platted on land purchased from Robert Johnson by deed of August 9, 1834, the deed being filed for public record in the Independence, Missouri courthouse on August 13, 1834. John McCoy, surveyor turned merchant-postmaster of West Port [sic], bought three lots in Campbell's town of West Port on August 31, 1834. ..Because Campbell died when on a trip to the East in 1836, he was unable to develop and sell his lots in West Port as planned. McCoy survived him, however, living to promote his portion of the town, selling lots to anyone who wished to purchase them."
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