Visions of Metropolis: William Gilpin and Theories of City Growth in the American West
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Visions of Metropolis: William Gilpin and Theories of City Growth in the American West
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Extensive historical study of William Gilpin's (1813-1894) theories of city growth with "a consistent thread of geographical determinism formally derived from the German geographer Alexander von Humboldt thesis that nature controlled the pattern of development of society," including "Gilpin's prophetic map of 1859, predicting the area of present-day Kansas City," envisioned as "Centropolis," with photo of Gilpin. Paper affiliated with UMKC.
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Creator Name
Creator: Glabb, Charles Nelson
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Wisconsin Magazine of History
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Page 21: "In the early and mid-nineteenth century, promoters who sought justification for grandiose plans to create cities in new regions of the American West [such as William Gilpin] turned to nature and geography. Woven into their argument that natural forces determined success in urban experiments were various threads of nineteenth-century thought: a geopolitical emphasis on the importance of central land masses in a society's development; the old geographical-historical idea that great cities are inevitably located along the major rivers of the world; and the view that mankind moves ever westward."
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Shelf Locator
SC 73: Collection of Magazine Article Photocopies
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