Trade between Missouri & Mexico: Presented to the Senate, Jan. 3, by Mr. Benton
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Trade between Missouri & Mexico: Presented to the Senate, Jan. 3, by Mr. Benton
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Answers of Augustus Storrs to queries addressed to him by the hon. Thomas H. Benton [or Thomas Hart Benton], senator in congress from the state of Missouri, upon the origin, present state, and future prospect, of trade and intercourse between Missouri and the internal provinces of Mexico. Description of some early Santa Fe Trail voyages of "commercial intercourse" from "Missouri and the internal provinces of Mexico" starting in 1812 with "McNight, Beard, and others, of St. Louis" and growing after 1821 with Storr's own expedition in 1824, leaving "[f]rom the western limit of Missouri, near Fort Osage."
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Niles' Weekly Register
Note(s) |
According to the local history index card, Augustus Storrs had gone on a trading expedition to Santa Fe on the summer previous to his 1825 interview by Senator Benton and described the route, character, and condition of the country and trade of New Mexico (then part of Mexico) and Indian depredations on the traders. It is dated Franklin, Missouri, November 1824, and is an extremely valuable and interesting document. About this time began the agitation for a road to Santa Fe and military protections for the caravans.
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Shelf Locator
051 N71
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