Our Easley Ancestors and Their Relatives
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Our Easley Ancestors and Their Relatives
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Biographical description of Elijah Milton McGee, or E. Milton McGee (1819-1873), "the 5th child and 4th son of James Hyatt McGee, Sr., and his wife, Eleanor Fry McGee." Description of his life and career as a native of Kentucky brought to Kansas City in 1828 and becoming a western explorer and trader, entering the Seminole War in 1837 and joining General Fremont's 1842 expedition to the Rocky Mountains, then finding gold in California in 1849 and returning to Kansas City in 1851. Afterwards becoming a real estate developer with the plat of McGee's Addition in 1854 and making "Grand Avenue the widest street in the city," then being elected a Missouri state representative in 1862, Missouri state senator in 1865, and mayor of Kansas City in 1870. Also a story of his trip to the New York Stock Exchange to promote Kansas City and being written up on the front pages of the newspapers there around 1870.
Creator Name |
Creator Name
Creator: Johnson, Kirby Easley
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Digital Collection(s)
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Shelf Locator
929.2 E13j
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