Missouri Congressional Medal of Honor Winners
Title |
Missouri Congressional Medal of Honor Winners
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Content type
Description |
Paper on the history of winners of the national Medal of Honor award and of the Liberty Memorial, honoring World War I dead. Based on newspaper articles originally published in the El Paso (Texas) Times. Contains 105 pages and includes bibliographic references.
Creator Name |
Creator Name
Creator: Fox, Dorothea Magdalene
Item Type |
Item Type
Date(s) |
1960 (year approximate) to 1969 (year approximate)
Subject (local) |
Subject (local)
Digital Collection(s) |
Digital Collection(s)
Note(s) |
Donated to the library in 1974.
Shelf Locator |
Shelf Locator
Manuscript File: Fox, Dorothea M.
Restriction on Access |
Restriction on Access
This document is not available online. You may come to the Missouri Valley Room to view it or request a photocopy from the Library's Document Delivery service. http://www.kclibrary.org/copy-requests