Many Attend Rites for Mrs. E. Garrett
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Many Attend Rites for Mrs. E. Garrett
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Vertical file contains a photo and obituary for Mrs. Eva Garrett, co-owner and operator of the Radio Cab and Baggage Company. She was born in 1886 and married in 1903 to a teacher at Sumner High School in Kansas City, Kansas before operating her cab company for the last 20 years of her life with her son, Frank Garrett, Jr. Her residence was at 2505 Michigan Avenue.
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Digital Collection(s) |
Digital Collection(s)
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The newspaper source and date are not given on the photocopy here, but the source is presumably the Kansas City Call.
Shelf Locator |
Shelf Locator
Ramos Vertical File: Biography F-I
Restriction on Access |
Restriction on Access
This document is not available online. You may come to the Missouri Valley Room to view it or request a photocopy from the Library's Document Delivery service.