Major John Campbell
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Major John Campbell
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Various references, including articles, about Major John Campbell, a shadowy figure in the origins of Westport, dying in 1836 and arguably platting the town in 1834 before John C. McCoy, the town's traditionally recognized founder and promoter. Description of Campbell's arrival in Kansas in 1827 as an Indian agent, and in the Westport or Kansas City area by the 1820s as a soldier, trader, and frontiersman.
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Major John Campbell died in 1836, before the arrival of another John Campbell with no listed middle initial, a real estate investor in Kansas City in the 1850s and husband to Charlotte Campbell.
Shelf Locator |
Shelf Locator
Vertical File: Westport, Missouri
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Restriction on Access
The contents of the file are not available online. You may come to the Missouri Valley Room to view them or request photocopies from the Library's Document Delivery service.