Kansas City's Most Civilized Man
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Kansas City's Most Civilized Man
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Portrait and biographical article about James Fisher, columnist of "The Midlands" for the Kansas City Times paper starting in about 1981 "usually about country people and small town people, mostly from Kansas and Missouri." Illustrations and description of his life and career. He was born in Kansas City in 1937 and raised partly in Connecticut before starting with the Kansas City Times in 1960 as a cub reporter and reporting for the "MacNeil/Lehrer News Hour" television show starting in 1984.
Creator Name |
Creator Name
Creator: Daniel, Lois
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Kansas City Magazine
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Page 33: "Fisher agrees. ..that his column is different but thinks it's partly because of our geographical location. He says there aren't many places where a column like his could be written. 'We're surrounded by more variety than anyplace [sic] else in the country,' he says. 'We've got prosperous farms and farms where people can barely eke out a living. We've got the Ozarks with its own culture. We've got the plains of Kansas. We've got resort areas. We've got two big cities in Missouri and some small cities in both Missouri and Kansas, each surrounded by its own flavor. We've got northern influence and southern influence and eastern and western influence. If you tried to write a column like 'The Midlands' out of Des Moines, you'd run into too much sameness. Iowa is primarily a farm state. The Dakotas are ranch states. Colorado is half ranch and half tourist."
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Shelf Locator
q977.8411 K1692
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