Kansas City Women of Independent Minds
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Kansas City Women of Independent Minds
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Photo and bio of Lucy Stowe Bigelow, or Lucy Bigelow (1885-1951), former leader of the George H. Nettleton Home for Aged Women and founder of "Miss Bigelow's School at 729 Troost Avenue for boys and girls" in 1909. Description of her life and career as a native of Baltimore coming to Kansas City in 1885 as a teacher, residing at 626 Pennsylvania Avenue (becoming the Home for Aged Women later moved to 5125 Swope Parkway) and then at 3729 Baltimore Avenue.
Creator Name |
Creator Name
Creator: Flynn, Jane F.
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Subject (local)
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Digital Collection(s)
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Shelf Locator |
Shelf Locator
920.72 F64k
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