Kansas City, Missouri: Its History and Its People, 1800-1908
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Kansas City, Missouri: Its History and Its People, 1800-1908
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Biographical sketch of Charles Kornbrodt, "of the Kornbrodt Kornice Kompany of Kansas City," born in Germany in 1860 and emigrating to Kansas City in 1885, opening his business in 1898 on Grand Avenue before moving it to 6th and Broadway.
Creator Name |
Creator Name
Creator: Whitney, Carrie Westlake
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Item Type
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Subject (local)
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Digital Collection(s)
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Page 346: "He [Charles Kornbrodt) has had many large contracts in the city, doing the sheet metal, cornice and other work for the Jones Dry Goods Company, for the Montgomery Ward building, for many of the large flat buildings, including the Williams flats at Twenty-ninth and Troost and Thirty-fifth and Troost, also at Forty-third and Warwick" Boulevards.
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Shelf Locator
q977.8411 W61
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