Kansas City, Missouri: Its History and Its People, 1800-1908
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Kansas City, Missouri: Its History and Its People, 1800-1908
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Photo and bio of Job Hollinger, head " of the Job Hollinger Construction Company," born in Canada in 1860 and coming to Kansas City in 1883, organizing his own business in 1907 with offices in the "New Nelson building."
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Creator Name
Creator: Whitney, Carrie Westlake
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Subject (local)
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The following local structures were built by the Job Hollinger Construction Company: (1) the Miltona Apartments, (2) the Manual Training High School, (3) "the city workhouse," (4) the Switzer school, (5) "an addition to the Jeager school," (6) "the School of Mines at Rolla, Missouri," (7) the residence of Mrs. S. B. Armour in Kansas City," (8) "a part of the plant of the Missouri Gas Company of Kansas City," (9) "the Christian church at the corner of Independence boulevard and Gladstone boulevard," (10) "the building of the Loose-Wiles Cracker Company," (11) "an addition to the Emery-Bird-Thayer store and their warehouse," (12) the Jenkins building, and (13) "the Proctor & Gamble Soap Works at Armourdale."
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Shelf Locator
q977.8411 W61
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Restriction on Access
This document is not available online. You may come to the Missouri Valley Room to view it or request a photocopy from the Library's Document Delivery service. http://www.kclibrary.org/copy-requests