Industry Outlook: How Much Do We Want Their Money?
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Industry Outlook: How Much Do We Want Their Money?
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Illustrations and article about the increasing competition for conventions among American cities including Kansas City, with description of massive expansion plans on Bartle Hall, efforts to retain the Future Farmers of America national convention here, and Kansas City's tradition of overachieving in attracting conventions since rebuilding Convention Hall in 1900.
Creator Name |
Creator Name
Creator: Brandon, Bill
Creator: Tabak, Lawrence
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Note(s) |
Page 62: "The rebuilding of Convention Hall [in 1900] has gone down in the history books as an example of 'Kansas City Spirit.' It helped give Kansas City a reputation as a convention overachiever, a city that would go to great lengths to woo bigger, better, and more conventions than other cities its size. But the business is getting tougher. Some observers see even harder going ahead, ending in a shakeout within the next five or ten years."
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Shelf Locator
q330.9778 O948
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This document is not available online. You may come to the Missouri Valley Room to view it or request a photocopy from the Library's Document Delivery service.
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