The Humanizing of Kansas City's Architecture [and] Designing Interiors for People
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The Humanizing of Kansas City's Architecture [and] Designing Interiors for People
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Photos and articles about the changing trend and philosophy in local (following the national trend) architectural design from modernist (especially following World War II) or "stark steel-and-glass box" to more humanistic or "designed around people." Photos and descriptions of several examples of the new architecture (Seaboard Allied Milling Building, Sermon Community Center, the North Patrol Division police station, the Episcopalian Diocesan Center, the United Telecom Building, and the ERC Corporation building, "Ted Seligson's fire station at 77th and Prospect, Kemper Arena, the Crown Center Hotel, Tom Nelson and Bruce Patty's police station on East 63rd Street and Mike Shaunessy's Optocopy headquarters in Lenexa," etc.) and its designers (Cary Goodman of HNTB, Tom Devine of Devine James Myers, Marvin Manlove of Calcara Duffendack Foss Manlove, and David Immenschuh of Patty Berkebile Nelson Associates, et al.) as opposed to the unfriendly, outdated box-types (using the prime example of "the Mutual Benefit Life building at 2345 Grand" Avenue, "[d]esigned by the Chicago office of the late Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, one of the fathers of modern architecture."
Creator Name |
Creator Name
Creator: Kirsch, Elisabeth
Creator: Laner, Joel
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Item Type
Date(s) |
Subject (local) |
Subject (local)
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Digital Collection(s)
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Related Item
Kansas City Magazine
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Shelf Locator |
Shelf Locator
q977.8411 K1692
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