Historic Spots or Mile-Stones in the Progress of Wyandotte County, Kansas
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Historic Spots or Mile-Stones in the Progress of Wyandotte County, Kansas
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Description of the ethnic history of the Delaware Indians in the Kansas City area, starting in 1830 in Wyandotte and Leavenworth Counties, Kansas. Description also of the Delaware Agency building, "[p]robably built in the early [eighteen] thirties," and still standing in 1934, with photos.
Creator Name |
Creator Name
Creator: Harrington, Grant W.
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Digital Collection(s)
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The Delaware Agency building was used as a residence once the Delaware Indians moved away in 1867. It was still standing (1934). "It is in a remarkable state of preservation and is undoubtedly the oldest structure on Kansas soil."
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Shelf Locator
978.13 W97h
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Restriction on Access
This document is not available online. You may come to the Missouri Valley Room to view it or request a photocopy from the Library's Document Delivery service. http://www.kclibrary.org/copy-requests