George Muehlebach
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George Muehlebach
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Photo and bio of George Edward Muehlebach, Sr., or George Muehlebach, Sr. (1833-1905) and biographical sketch of his son, George Muehlebach, Jr. Description of the father as a native of Switzerland emigrating to Westport about 1859 as a western freighter and harness maker until engaging in Colorado mining and returning to Kansas City in 1870 (according to this source) as founder of the Muehlebach Brewery at 18th and Main Streets. Description of the son as born in 1881 and taking over the brewery as president after his father's death in 1905 and becoming "interested to a large extent in Kansas City real estate, his property including his own home at No. 3672 Madison [Street], in the suburb of Roanoke."
Creator Name |
Creator Name
Creator: Whitney, Carrie Westlake
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Digital Collection(s)
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Related Item
Kansas City, Missouri: Its History and Its People, 1800-1908
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Shelf Locator
MVSC Q 977.8411 W61
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