Frontier Druggists of Westport during the Westward Migration, 1848-1861
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Frontier Druggists of Westport during the Westward Migration, 1848-1861
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Manuscript that focuses upon the stories of Joseph O. Boggs and Thomas H. Rosser, two early pharmacists of Westport, Missouri. Boggs is described as having been born near Lexington, Kentucky, on January 31, 1808, and later relocating to Westport after purchasing a store there and naming it the Pioneer Drug & Book Store. The author states that Boggs relocated with his family to California in 1870 and died on October 28, 1889. Rosser is described as having been born in Fayetteville, North Carolina, on March 15, 1818, and later relocating to Westport to establish Rosser's Drug Store (later Westport Drug Store) in 1856. The author states that Rosser's store was burned in May of 1861, that he joined the Missouri State Guard during the Civil War, relocated to Selma, Alabama, and died there on May 22, 1897.
Creator Name |
Creator Name
Creator: Strickland, W. A.
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Digital Collection(s) |
Digital Collection(s)
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Shelf Locator
Manuscript File: Strickland, W. A., Jr.
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Restriction on Access
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