The Founding of Westport, Mo.
Title |
The Founding of Westport, Mo.
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Content type
Description |
A series of articles about the founding of Westport. Each one covers a separate aspect or person involved in the town's settlement; most have illustrations. The series includes, among others, these main topics: (1) Yoacham family [June 1976, page 17](2) McCoy family [July 1976, Page 18](3) Battle of Westport [Nov. 1976, Page 14](4) early parties and social events [Dec. 1976, Page 12](5) Kelly's Westport Inn [Jan. 1977, Page 5](6) Harris House Hotel [Feb. 1977, Page 14](7) Mill Street [March 1977, Page 7](8) historian Francis Parkman [May 1977, Page 12](9) large fire of 1858 [December 1977, p. 12](10) wind-powered wagons [June 1977, Page 6](11) Spanish weddings [July-Aug. 1977, Page 8]and (12) early homes [Sept. 1977, Page 10].
Creator Name |
Creator Name
Creator: Lee, Fred L.
Item Type |
Item Type
Date(s) |
1976-06 to 1977-12
Subject (local) |
Subject (local)
Digital Collection(s) |
Digital Collection(s)
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Related Item
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Shelf Locator |
Shelf Locator
MVSC Q 977.8411 W537 May-Dec. 1976-1977
Restriction on Access |
Restriction on Access
This document is not available online. You may come to the Missouri Valley Room to view it or request a photocopy from the Library's Document Delivery service.