Early History of Greater Kansas City, Missouri and Kansas: The Prophetic City at the Mouth of the Kaw
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Early History of Greater Kansas City, Missouri and Kansas: The Prophetic City at the Mouth of the Kaw
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Peery Place from 8th to 12th, Holmes to Troost, was laid off in 1857, but lots were sold only to negroes until 1870, at any low price they would bring. The first negro school was built on 9th and Charlotte in this addition and the block now occupied by the Auditorium and Charlotte from 8th to 9th had the negro shacks in the hollow, many adorned with coonskins. It was called 'Coonskin Hollow.'
Creator Name |
Creator Name
Creator: Deatherage, Charles P.
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Digital Collection(s)
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Shelf Locator
977.8411 D28
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