Dr. William Thompkins
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Dr. William Thompkins
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Biographical sketch of Dr. William Thompkins, a black Kansas City physician and former "recorder of deeds for the district of Columbia [Washington, D. C.]." Born about 1885 in Jefferson City, Missouri and coming to Kansas City in 1906 and becoming "the first superintendent of General Hospital No. 2 of Kansas City" in 1915.
Creator Name |
Creator Name
Creator: Jackson, William Rufus
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Missouri Democracy: A History of the Party and Its Representative Members--Past and Present
Note(s) |
Page 846: "In 1927 Dr. Thompkins was appointed assistant health commissioner in the department of hygiene and communicable diseases. He was assigned the task of making a survey of housing conditions and tuberculosis among the negroes of Kansas City. The plan of his survey was adopted as a model by the American public health commission. His housing plan was presented by President Hoover to the national housing commission in 1930. Hundreds of houses in the negro districts of Kansas City were condemned and a new tuberculosis hospital for negroes resulted from the survey."
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Shelf Locator
q329.3 J14
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