The Commonwealth of Missouri; A Centennial Record
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The Commonwealth of Missouri; A Centennial Record
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One paragraph about the party of "Canadian 'voyageurs'" of the American Fur Company traveling to the mouth of the Kansas River in 1815, including Jacques Fournais, settling in the site of what was to later become Kansas City..
Creator Name |
Creator Name
Creator: Barns, Chancy R.
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About the year 1815, a party of thirty Canadian 'voyageurs' started up the Missouri River. ..employed by the North American Fur Company, and their destination was the mouth of the then unexplored Kaw, or Kansas River. With that expedition went Jacques Fournais, better known to the people of Kansas City as 'Pino.' Soon after his arrival at the point of destination, he resolved to make it his abiding place, and become one of the few French settlers already there. He died in 1871, at the advanced age of over one hundred and twenty-four years.
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Shelf Locator
q977.8 B26
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